Monday 8 October 2012

robot silhouette's

3 very inkley done silhouettes 

I enjoy this style of sketching, it leands its self espesially well to robots becuase of the whisps 'peice' like shapes that come out. This is a custom brush i made in photo ship, a hard round brush with a size and shape jitter set to pen sensitivity.

Developing the top right sketch as i feel it is the most unique and interesting, tried to detail some of the shapes made but i got a little carried away to quickly and went into colour/texture painting. Afterwards i went back and drew out the arm and wings in attempt to show the designs more clearly.

Jet/Pack wings?

Attempted a more perspective shot but did find this quite difficult. On the night that it was done i was getting quite frustrated with it but looking at it now it doesn't seem as bad as i thought, should have perhaps continued with it. I was also trying to show the suit powered down here.

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