Wednesday 31 October 2012

don't blink, Haloween breif sketches.

Making statues out of people. Draw from reference

This was a lot fo fun to do, once i had sufficently sketched out the reference i attempted to image what it might look like in low poly model form. Some parts worked some didn't.

More reference sketches, thinking of parts i wanted to use in a composition. With the female reference i stylezed the hair and added the wings to give her a more distinct gargoyle like feel.

Liked the way bat wings looked/worked so attempted to incorporate them into the design.

Had another go at making her look like a 3D model, worked ok but i should have just mirriored one the together side of the face.

Playing with stock architecture to find a more solid composition.

Would you enter?

some quick composition sketches

Spent a bit too much time refining the line drawing, looks way to anime...

Had a hard time figuring out a composition that would portray why this creature is scary(moving statue).

At this point i took a previous composition and knocked it up in Maya. Set up some cameras and lights to use as a perspective reference.

Camera 1

Camera 2

Settled on the longer shot camera two, used a couple of photo references for bricks, the rest is painted with some multiply and colour layers. 

I hit a bit of a detail wall, i should have sketched on top all of the base values and pieces in the composition. Instead i went into high detail right away and ran out of steam unfortunately.

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