Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Cannon Mech

Looked at rail guns, mech designs, industrial robot's and turrets.

sketched out an industrial mech design, a rail gun design and a turret design.

Went back and looked at a previous walker robot i designed.

decided i was going to make this and incorporate a turret i had previously made for a space ship.
Using mainly extrude and moving vertex;s around i started from a box to get the base shape of the body/seat.

Certainly not the most optimized way of modeling, lots of separate pieces, though is a lot easier to manage and model quickly

Upper torso basically complete

After the main leg section i felt i needed to move on to lighting and rendering quickly so the feet and lower legs were rushed.

 camera set up

found out how to utilize Maya's built in day light simulator

changed floor and added random scratched metal texture to entire model. This work surprisingly well as with eh daylight system the metal texture has added scene reflection to the model.

background and new camera angle, ended up with 4 set up in the scene.

playing with the daylight settings, and very HQ render 5Kx4K

found some time to finnish the legs off more. helps the posture a lot.

an angle focused on the turret

final turret angle with no metal texture

final turret angle with metal texture

photoshop paint over with some minor details. didn't want to go to far at this stage as i don;t feel the overall robot design is done.

Did some 'Field research with JJ and friends'

I did watch the paint over video for the Planet Side 2 turret, however i felt i was already quite comfortable with the tools and techniques he used so there wasn't any time freeze that i picked out. just checked what layer types he was using and such.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Alien landscape

This weeks brief is to create a plant for an alien landscape and some of it's environment

Thinking going kinda zerg like. carnivorousness poisonous plants that spread. perhaps hallucination plants or could even double back and make them nice plants.

This moodboard is for the plant shapes/style/structure

This moodboard for the landscape setting idea's, the tunnels but make them look more natural. and purple zerg creep.

was cutting some peppers the other day and thought they could look quite alien, might use some of their internal shapes.


more defined line drawing

started painting, but decide to go into a 3D model instead

base mesh in maya

V1 subdivide 



Really wasn't motivated this week and the work shows this. Tried to be more disciplined in myself, try go this week playing no games. i have done so but it seems to have had adverse effects when it comes to having the enthusiasm to tackling new problems.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Wrinkles and face muscles

Really wasn't sure what to do with this brief  felt the purpose of it was just to study facial muscles, so just did that.

First thought i'd look at female vs male facial muscles structure. Doesn't seem to be much difference in shape, more position and size.

Uma Thurman 

Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith

So i decided to try sculpting him

Could be a lot better, kinda looks like him, but also i wanted to go into photoshop with the textures but honestly at this time did not feel like doing so.