Monday 30 April 2012

Space redhead

We were tasked with designing and painting a 'Space Marine' 
concept in the time frame of our 3 hour class.

After looking at some 'reference' images i started with 
quite bulky male silhouette making it quite 'knighty' (top right)

The next concept was more robotic and look much lighter and more wiry
I liked the flag and some of the details but the base wasn't as solid. (bottom right)

The last concept that i ended up painting, i gave myself some more constraints
I wanted the silhouette to look feminine without much in the way of details
I wanted her to hold a somewhat regular gun

I'm quite pleased with the out come, after class was over i did carry on a little further
only little details though, the total design painting time would still only be 3 - 3/ hours.

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