Wednesday 1 May 2013

Sea Creature Breif

mood board
Had some from a previou breif i used for a sea creature. Manta rays look so majestic, they almost dont look real. Liked the Sun fish with it's vertical fins.

Did some rough sketches, picked out the 3 i felt were strongest.

 Of the three the first one resembled a Starcraft 2 Corrupter unit, the second one didnt work out well from the silhouette so i settled on the third one.

Decided i make most things monsters so made the face more friendly here.

Wanted to give Zbrush a try for this, just using the dynamesh feature.

This was as far as i got before being kicked out of class, just a simple photoshop paint over with lighten, darken, multiply and colour layers. Used reference for some details.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Character Topology

Actually got much further than this then simultaneously my maya file corrupted its self and i the screen shot of it....

On the upside i did actually learn a lot from following this tutorial, feel much more confident with character box modeling.

Went back and had another look at the fat character we were doing earlier this week in class.

So time to take what i learned and make a low poly character from no model topology reference.

We had to model night crawler, rather than putting the reference images on planes and directly copy i decided to try and do it the way we were shown in the tutorial, a more free hand way whilst still referring to the reference images often.

This is as far as i wall able to get in class, the topology went fairly well though i still need a lot more practice with topology planing, i fixed a few triangles on the tail and feet but when it came to the neck and shoulder i ran into a lot of issues with back topology flow. I plan to spend more time in the summer break practicing this method.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Character modeling

We all took reference pictures - front, back, side, and 45' angles 

First intended to make myself more stylized so traced over the photo's first. Didn't get round to this before i got to modeling though. May come back to this.

 Box modeling, no triangles or 5 sided shapes :]

some basic lighting, don't even know why...

Decided to give Zbrush another go, was able to get more to grips with it this time.

watched some basic tutorials on where things are and found some tips on how to do clothing. 

 Need to work a lot more on it but this is where im at now.

might try make it into more of a character rather than my self.


quick base mesh start Steve got us to do

had many weird maya problems trying to get the duplicate as special working, this took 5-8 mins maybe after that lark.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

opening scene

Opening scene for 'Journey of intrigue' project

Can't decide which lighting/Hue works best 

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Cannon Mech

Looked at rail guns, mech designs, industrial robot's and turrets.

sketched out an industrial mech design, a rail gun design and a turret design.

Went back and looked at a previous walker robot i designed.

decided i was going to make this and incorporate a turret i had previously made for a space ship.
Using mainly extrude and moving vertex;s around i started from a box to get the base shape of the body/seat.

Certainly not the most optimized way of modeling, lots of separate pieces, though is a lot easier to manage and model quickly

Upper torso basically complete

After the main leg section i felt i needed to move on to lighting and rendering quickly so the feet and lower legs were rushed.

 camera set up

found out how to utilize Maya's built in day light simulator

changed floor and added random scratched metal texture to entire model. This work surprisingly well as with eh daylight system the metal texture has added scene reflection to the model.

background and new camera angle, ended up with 4 set up in the scene.

playing with the daylight settings, and very HQ render 5Kx4K

found some time to finnish the legs off more. helps the posture a lot.

an angle focused on the turret

final turret angle with no metal texture

final turret angle with metal texture

photoshop paint over with some minor details. didn't want to go to far at this stage as i don;t feel the overall robot design is done.

Did some 'Field research with JJ and friends'

I did watch the paint over video for the Planet Side 2 turret, however i felt i was already quite comfortable with the tools and techniques he used so there wasn't any time freeze that i picked out. just checked what layer types he was using and such.