Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dragon Modeling brief.

Moodboard, like the idea of a water dragon, think i could get quite creative with that. Was just looking for some dragons that are a little bit more unusual. Also like the human dragon relationships.  this strong beast loyal to one delicate human in comparison. 

Sculptris practice today.

Terminator man using a metallic sluptris material.

Some deep underwater sea creature

Tentacle faced dude

vampire dude

Scluptris is a lot of fun, really easy to use, very intuitive.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Santa's all spent

Santa took the businessman money and is now all spent, he even sold the patent for "Merry Christmas"

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

festive brief

Yeah sorry the moodboard is a bit late, anyway yeah this is what Christmas is today

Santa 'metaphorically' holds someone at gun point

this is me in my kitchen, waiting to have a talk with the Christmas mascot himself...

Also wanted to highlight this :]

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

AA Plane crash

This one took a lot of focus, done mainly in two sittings

First time i'd actually painted and flipped the canvas throughout

Upped the general contrast, A lot of textures used in this one

I prefer the night scene, it wasn't actually too difficult to adapt it into this version

This is closer too the original, trying to make it dark without loosing too much of the depth.

Added more blue to help lighten the image but still make it night time.

Quite proud of this piece, took a while to get to the stage it is though i ran out of steam when it came to putting detail in the background buildings.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Downtown NY plane crash

Here is some WIPs of my final scene for This plane crash breif.

Worked a bit more on the atmosphere of this composition and decided it fitted the brief best

So i laid out the bass lines in perspective

Then begun to work over it

Used a lot of textures from CGTextures to help me pic out the details. Think i need to paint further in to make it look less collage like.

As at the moment im trying to paint so that i can make a day time scene then a night time scene im trying to leave the values basic enough to be open to lighting change, but that is also a reason it looks pieced together.

Depth and size of the plane is something i will also need to play around with before going much further.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Plane crash and perspective

2 attempts at robot man in perspective

Playing with a perspective from inside the plane wreckage 


Went into Maya and tried to help my self with the composition. 

sketched this one out first quite roughly


Was able to look at some google maps to help me a little with this composition 

Some other google map compositions 

A second mood board, setting the plan crash as an electrical storm 

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Perspective crash

 This week our brief is a little more interesting, It's a lot more real world specific. As follows -

an aircraft (Boeing 747, American Airlines) has crash landed in New York, (Lower East Side area). The plane has come to rest smashed into a building. The fuselage is broken but largely intact. Parts of the aircraft have broken off and rubble and wreckage is strewn around with some smoke and fire. Our hero character (white male, 30, dark hair, T shirt, jeans) was onboard but has miraculously survived the crash and is standing stunned before the wreckage (to give the scene scale, drama and a focal point for the viewer). The director isn’t sure which time of day will work best for this scene and wants you to produce alternatives for him to consider.

So here is a mood board and some perspective practice as i was struggling with it. 

This was done before i knew the full details of the brief so another more specific will be done later on.

For the perspective practice i found this plan for a Boeing 747

These two are based of the plan's